

contour plots or contour figures



a range of:一套

refer to:表示;参考;涉及;指的是;适用于

in parentheses:在括号中;插入的

the ith row:第i行

x to the power of i:x的i次方

As mentioned:正如所说如前所述正如所说

a multiple-choice:一个选择题

kinda stuck:有点绕口

the sort of:那种;那一类的

standard terminology:标准术语

htheta(x) equals theta0 plus theta1 of x:image-20201020100900591

as a shorthand:简单起见


building block:基本构成要素

go about:v. 着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

figure out :理解;解决;算出;想出;断定

So just a recap:简单回顾一下

the 1 over the 2m:1/2m

gradient descent:

optimization objective:优化目标

theta one times X:theta one 乘以 X

the slope of the straight line:直线的斜率

over here:在这里


This turns out to be:结果是

wound up:紧张的;兴奋的

trace out:描绘出;探寻;轨迹为

in visual terms:在视觉方面

end up doing:以…而告终

In other words:换句话说

a similar sort:一个类似

3-D surface plot:三维曲面图

concentric ellipses:同心椭圆

let’s break it out:我们把它写下来

further away from:距离更远

read off:读出;从…读取

contour line:[数] 轮廓线;[测] 等高线

one gets the following graphs:我们可以得到下面的图表

a slightly positive slope:稍微正的斜率

Just as an aside:顺便提一下

for the sake of brevity:为了简洁起见

for the sake of:为了;为了…的利益

start off with:从…开始,用…开始

a couple steps:几个步骤

So that’s the intuition in pictures:我们从图片中得到的直观感受

until convergence:直到收敛

let me unpack some of it:我来详细讲解一下

assignment operator:[计] 赋值运算符

whereas in contrast:然而反过来


derive this derivative term:推出导数项

simultaneously update :同步更新

partial derivatives and derivatives:偏导数和导数

in case:万一,假使

all the intuitions:所有知识

tangential line:切线

steepest descent:最陡下降